Software Design

Using PictureVault

All PictureVault images are encrypted. On start, PictureVault searches for unencrypted images and if found, encrypts it.

Browsing Pictures

Slideshow image Welcome to the slideshow! If you see this then your browser doesn't support the text-changing features of the slideshow; however, all the text should appear below.
Click on the image to view it in full size.

Password Change

    image Welcome to the slideshow! If you see this then your browser doesn't support the text-changing features of the slideshow; however, all the text should appear below.
Click on the image to view it in full size.

Managing Pictures

    image Welcome to the slideshow! If you see this then your browser doesn't support the text-changing features of the slideshow; however, all the text should appear below.
Click on the image to view it in full size.