A bit of history:
The first MAcalc was written last century (1991) for OS/2.
It had scientific, financial, engineering and programmers functions. Several
conversion options, plotting capabilities and became widely used in the OS/2
MAcalc (with limited capabilities) was ported to Windows, Windows Mobile and
Linux and now a full blown version is available for iPhone/iPod touch.
MAcalc for BlackBerry is a powerful RPN/Algebraic scientific/programmers calculator with units convertion and multiple color schemes (Skins).
Quick overview
MAcalc requires BlackBerry OS version 4.6 or latter.
Supported devices: Bold 9700, Bold 9000, Tour 9630, Bold 8900,
Curve 8530 8520, Curve 8350, Pearl 8230 8220.
On devices
with 320 pixels of horizontal screen resolution or less (8500,
8200), the left most column of functions is removed.
MAcalc application has two independent calculators, Integer and Floating point. To switch from Floating point to Integer and back select Menu -> Calculator mode.
Cursor input for all functions or keyboard for most used functions.
MAcalc also has extensive units conversion capability.
- General
- Entry-system: RPN or Algebraic
- Storage registers: 10
- Math: (+, -, ×, ÷)
- Skins: five to choose from.
- Floating point calculator
- Adjustable number of decimals
- Functions: e, pi, 1/x, %
- Functions: sq root
- Functions: yx, x2
- Functions: log, ln, hypotenuse
- Trig functions: sin, cos, tan, hsin ...
- Trig modes: degrees, radians
- Conversion: polar, retangular
- Integer calculator
- Base conversion (2,10 and 16)
- Bit operations: AND, OR, XOR, NOT ....
- Included conversions modules
- Angle
- Area
- Currency
- Length
- Speed
- Temperature
- Volume
- Weight